ICOS Ecosystem Working Groups

The highly standardized measurements needed in ICOS require specific and precise protocols that standardize the instruments, methods and processing for all the variables of interest. These protocols need to be in line with the existing international standards and need to be harmonized with ongoing initiatives in other networks.

The ICOS Ecosystem Monitoring Stations Assembly (MSA) decided to work on actual and future protocols with the organization of specific Working Groups open to the whole scientific international community, including the technical experts and others networks representatives. The Ecosystem Thematic Centre is responsible for the protocol preparation monitoring and for their final implementation and dissemination.

All scientists willing to contribute to the discussion and definition of best practices and protocols are encouraged to register for the WG of their interest. To receive the last version of the protocol draft please contact the protocol coordinator reported below. When the final draft will be approved it will be notified in the specific WG page. The WG will however remain active for possible future developments and improvements.

To register for a working group click here


Infra Red Gas Analyzer for CO2 and H2O high frequency measurements: characteristics, setup, maintenance and use.

Coordinator: Marc Aubinet (marc.aubinet@ulg.ac.be)

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WG Anemometer

Sonic anemometer for high frequency 3D measurements: characteristics, setup, maintenance and use.

Coordinator: Hans Peter (HaPe) Schmid (hape.schmid@kit.edu)

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WG Eddy Setup

Setup of the eddy covariance system on the tower: position, method, data flow.

Coordinator: Corinna Rebman (corinna.rebmann@ufz.de)

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WG Storage fluxes

Measurement of the storage term for trace gases, sensible and latent heat: methods, setup, maintenance.

Coordinator: Leonardo Montagnani (leonardo.montagnani@unibz.it)

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WG Chambers measurements

Definition of standard methods for fluxes measurements using chambers, including the fluxes calculation.

Coordinator: Marian Pavelka (pavelka.m@czechglobe.cz)

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WG Soil sampling and analysis

Soil sampling design and scheme, samples preparation and analysis.

Coordinator: Dominique Arrouays (dominique.arrouays@orleans.inra.fr)

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WG Plants sampling and analysis

Plants sampling design and scheme, samples preparation and analysis.

Coordinator: Denis Loustau (denis.loustau@bordeaux.inra.fr)

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WG Ancillary vegetation measurements

Ancillary measurements needed for fluxes interpretation such above ground biomass, LAI and litter-fall, specific for each ecosystem. Due to the organization of the protocol per ecosystem type the WG is divided in four subgroups:

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WG Soil climate

Soil temperature, soil water content, groundwater level and soil heat flux: methods, design, sensors and maintenance.

Coordinator: Bert Gielen (bert.gielen@uantwerpen.be)

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WG Radiation components

Radiation components such SW, LW and PPFD, incoming, outgoing and net, diffuse and direct, above and below canopy: methods, design, sensors and maintenance.

Coordinator: Sebastien Biraud (SCBiraud@lbl.gov)

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WG Precipitations

Total precipitation, rain and snow precipitations, snow depth: methods, design, sensors and maintenance.

Coordinator: Sigrid Dengel (sigrid.dengel@helsinki.fi)

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WG Lateral Fluxes

This WG includes all the lateral fluxes and their causes and impacts. Exports due to harvesting and grazing, inputs such amendments and residuals management, soil disturbances and more in general all the biotic and abiotic disturbance effects are considered, including the site history and description. For this reason the WG (coordinated by Matthew Saunders) is organized in six sub-groups strongly interconnected:

  • Site characterization (history, fetch, maps, inventories). Coordinator: Matthew Saunders (saundem@tcd.ie)

  • Export (harvesting and grazing). Coordinator: Sigrid Dengel (sigrid.dengel@helsinki.fi)

  • Site amendments (fertilisation, liming, herbicide/pesticide/fungicide, residue management, irrigation). Coordinator: Christine Moureaux (christine.moureaux@ulg.ac.be)

  • Soil disturbance due to management (tillage, sowing/planting, rolling, drainage, land use change). Coordinator: Matthew Saunders (saundem@tcd.ie)

  • Biotic disturbance events (insects, disease, pathogens). Coordinator: Leonardo Montagnani (leonardo.montagnani@unibz.it)

  • Abiotic disturbance events(extreme climatic events e.g. water [drought/flooding], wind, fire). Coordinator: Matthew Saunders (saundem@tcd.ie)

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WG Phenological camera

Phenological camera or webcam for quantitative and qualitative data, including data processing

Coordinator: Lisa Wingate (l.wingate@ed.ac.uk).

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WG Data Processing

Eddy covariance and meteorological data processing, from raw data to synthesis products, including uncertainty estimation. The working group didn't start yet the activity.

Coordinator: Dario Papale (darpap@unitus.it).

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WG QAQC and multiple constraints

Development of tool for QAQC of all variables. The working group didn't start yet the activity.

Coordinator: Maarten Op de Beeck (maarten.opdebeeck@uantwerpen.be).

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WG CH4 and N2O EC measurements

Definition of setup, sensors and maintenance for CH4 and N2O eddy covariance fluxes measuremetns.

Coordinator: Eiko Nemitz (en@ceh.ac.uk).

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WG non-CO2 manual chamber measurements

Definition of standard methods for non-CO2 fluxes measurements (mainly N2O and CH4) using manual chambers, including the fluxes calculation.

Coordinator: Ralf Kiese (ralf.kiese@kit.edu).

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WG measurements over Water Bodies

Definition of standard methods for fluxes and meteorological measurements, including the fluxes calculation, over water bodies such lakes and sea.

Coordinator: Ivan Mammarella (ivan.mammarella@helsinki.fi)

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WG measurements over Urban Areas

Definition of standard methods for fluxes and meteorological measurements, including the fluxes calculation, over urban areas.

Coordinator: Andreas Christen (andreas.christen@meteo.uni-freiburg.de)

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