Instruction on setting up the spatial sampling scheme

Download the last version and the previous versions of the Instruction on Setting Up the Spatial Sampling Scheme, focused on how to define the sampling points and areas in the ICOS sites. This Instruction is based on the following ICOS protocols:

  • Sanders et al: “CMDL – Characterization, Management, Disturbances, Lateral Fluxes
  • Saby et al. “Soil carbon stocks”
  • Op de Beeck et al. “Protocol soil-meteorological variables”
  • Op de Beeck et al. “Ancillary vegetation measurements in mires”
  • Op de Beeck et al. “Ancillary vegetation measurements in grasslands”
  • Gielen et al. “Ancillary vegetation measurements in forest”
  • Gielen et al. “Ancillary vegetation measurements in croplands”
  • Rebmann et al. “Flux-Station Site Setup including complementary measurements”


The Instruction document can be cited as:
Papale, D., & Nicolini, G. (2016). ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Setting Up the Spatial Sampling Scheme (Version 20170802). ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre.

Instruction document history and download

Version Changes respect to the previous
Added the need to specify if geographic or magnetic North is used as reference.
20170802 Clarified how the SP-II reserve points should be selected and used in case of inaccessibility of the main points.
20170414 Table 2 values changed to follow Ancillary Instructions; clarification on how to communicate that CP should be excluded from sampling; clarification that no data can be sent by email; clarification that KML format is preferred; other minor changes.
20170306 Clarified in the submission section that SP-II-R should be reported only if used.
20161114 First version

doi: 10.18160/c5q7-z877

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